
Welcome to CS 128 live

This course can be challenging but the course staff and myself are here to help! We offer second-chance exams, flexible grading policies, many office hours, and an online discussion forum. See the syllabus for more details!

Please see Praire Learn for the most up-to-date deadlines and assignments.

Semester Progress:


This Week's Agenda:

DateLecture TopicHomework & LabMP & ExamsDeadline
Week 3Mon, Sep 09' 24

Lec 3.1: Compilation


HW 3.1 : Compile Commands

Tue, Sep 10' 24

Lab 2: Connect-4

Due - 11:59 PM

Wed, Sep 11' 24

Lec 3.2: Command Line and I/O with Files


HW 3.2 : Read and Write

Thu, Sep 12' 24

MP 1: Word Guess Part 1

Due - 11:59 PM

Fri, Sep 13' 24

Lec 3.3: Testing and Errors


Lab 3: Testing and Bugs

HW 3.2 : Read and Write

Due - 8:59 AM